Thursday, 13 September 2012

Layout and my first lesson in cooking

My today's inspiration belongs to my dear friends Elisa

Elisa and her husband ( which was launched 1 week ago) are making fun of my cooking style. Soup (from a carton box) with humous topping is one of them. I call it as an experience;) Since than they have cooked for me. Lucky me! Can't complain at all. To be honest their way is much more tastier and healthier than mine. But things has to change. This image is the proof my first lesson to cook Lasagne. I can already tell it tastes yummi. 

A note from my beloved grandma who lives in peace now: Sylvia, you never will find a man if you can't cook. So far she might have been right. Smart and an absolutely amazing lovely lady in so many directions she was. Love you always.
Proof of today's dinner with help of my friends.
Oh yeah. We had fun!
Not 100% there with my perfect layout but I'm going there. 

Good morning and good night where ever your head touches your pillow!

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Final color scheme for Reflectlife

Which one is your winner?

After all and all these months of research,I finalized Reflectlife's color scheme. I have had worked the last couple of days intense of finalizing the colors and layout for my future website for you. And I'm happy to say I finally got it. 

I keep it a bit exited and I'll show you the layout tomorrow. 

So here it is. The months long related search for the right color. If you don't like it and have something else in mind to create a warm, simple, modern, elegant and antic website look of feel than please give me a shout under:

Enough of the talk, we waited long enough for this moment to come.

And the winner is?

P.S. It took me this long because Design is very important to me for brining the message over. I hope it's an inspiration for your work.

Have an awesome day where ever you are and enjoy the moment you are in!

Friday, 7 September 2012

Wireframe Inspiration from Smashing Magazine

Friday greetings!

Today and for the next couple of days I do a lot research to design the most user-friendliest Wireframe layout for my website. 

Beyond Wireframing: The Real-Life UX Design Process

Today's inspiration comes from Smashing Magazine ( It is one of my favorite site's out there to find Inspirations and Informations for Website's and Magazine's.

This article has been written by Marcin Treder. He is a design enthusiast for creating the the best user experience possible. He has years of UX Designer and UX Manager work experience under his belt. Now his focus belongs to UXPIN that provides tools for UX Designers all over the world.

Check out how he changed his past employers way of creating great websites for their customers by changing and doing a lot of research of Wireframes.

Hope this article help you out to create your next best website!

“When in doubt, choose change.” 
Lily Leung

Good bye from Melbourne today!

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Inspired by Charity:Water

Charity of extraordinary simplicity

Why are not all Charities are like Charity: Water? I always had a hang to Charities and what they are standing for. This one proofs you where every cent of your money goes through GPS, Google Maps and Videos.

This is Scott Harrison. The founder of Charity: Water  and one lucky child who's village can now drink clean water just like you and me.

He came a long way. From having everything that you can dream of by being a Nightclub Promoter to founding a Charity of it's own. It's different to all others. Not only that. Private donors fund their operating costs so you don't have to. Even the credit card fees from your donation today are sponsored so a true 100% goes to people in need.

Want to check it out or even start given something back as a Volunteer here is there well cleaned designed and awesome website:

First Trailer

How does everything started and where they are right now?

One of Kevin Rose ( best interviews ever: Scott Harrison

Be the inspiration and do something good today!

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Inspiration from 37 Signals

Happy Tuesday from me and 37 Signals today!


is a company who are creating websites like Basecamp to make collaboration productive and enjoyable for people every day.
37 Signals Website story


Let's see what David Heineimeier Hansson, the creator of Ruby on Rails and partner at 37signals in Chicago says:


See you tomorrow and have a happy day!

Monday, 3 September 2012

Inspirational Websites, Blogs and Magazines for Enterpreneurs


to all starters who want to make a change in this world! Here are some websites who can inspire you. They all come from my Twitter followers.

100 awesome accounts that every entrepreneur should following on Twitter

Templates, Fonts & Icons

Inspiration, Design, Graphics, Coding and Freebies

Great inspirational Blog from weddings, Design to photography

Blogzine about everything nice

Online magazine for web designers & developers

Showcases the skills of varied designers

A blog from advertising, art, architecture, music to typography

Online Magazine for Design, trends & Inspiration

Have a great inspirational Monday!

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Father's day Quote

Happy father's day,

to all the lucky ones out there today. Let them be your inspiration as much as they are your inspiration to create each day very special. 

I have chosen today's color blue and red, because it reminds me of my childhood with my dad. Each saturday him and my mother used to coach the soccer team Fc Bayern Munich in our living room in front of our TV. My mom still does ;)

Some Quotes for you 

"It is a wise father that knows his own child."
William Shakespeare

"Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance."
Ruth E.Renkel

"Those who trust us educate us."
T.S. Eliot

"When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."
Mark Twain

Let the sun shine your children's heart. Today and in future. Happy father's day around the world.


Friday, 31 August 2012

30.08.2012, Website, Images and a quote

Hello again,lo again,

you probably noticed that I came up with another idea to find inspiration. The following month I try to find inspirations from Twitter followers, surroundings and friends. 

Here are some very interesting Websites from Twitter followers:

On what people are really doing online:

Angel vs Venture Capatalist

Design and Quotes:

Well, it's a beautiful day here. Let's make the most of it and get 3 inspiring images!

Here what I have seen today

And here are some images from the Net

Let the sun shine and enjoy a lovely a day like this